small_tab1_Serie EasyConnect
small_tab1_Serie EasyConnect


For the commissioning and diagnosis of EASYLAB components


Software for the configuration and diagnosis of controllers Type TCU3 and adapter modules TAM

  • Display of actual operating values
  • Interactive navigation
  • Extensive diagnosis and diagram functions
  • Creation of configuration protocols and backup files
  • The software automatically recognises the controller type and displays the corresponding operating values and parameters
  • Selection of dialogue language and of unit of measure for the volume flow rate
  • Connecting cable and USB adapter are included in the supply package

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Bluetooth adapter module BlueCON for wireless communication



  • EasyConnect configuration software for EASYLAB controllers TCU3 and adapter modules TAM
  • Used to change the configuration of fume cupboard controllers, supply air or extract air controllers, differential pressure controllers, and adapter modules
  • Extensive functions for configuration and commissioning
  • Functions for test and fault diagnosis
  • Documentation of configuration settings

Special characteristics

  • Display of actual operating values
  • Interactive navigation
  • Extensive diagnosis and diagram functions
  • Creation of configuration protocols and backup files
  • Selection of dialogue language and of unit of measure for the volume flow rate
  • Connecting cable and USB adapter are included in the supply package
  • Optional Bluetooth adapter module BlueCON for wireless communication



  • CAB: Configuration software with connecting cable and USB RS485 (cable connection)
  • BC: Configuration software with Bluetooth adapter module BlueCON (wireless communication)

Parts and characteristics

  • PC software
  • Interface adapter USB 2.0, RS485, including CD with driver software
  • Plug-in cable
  • PC side: 9-pin D-SUB socket; EASYLAB side: RJ45
  • Graphical user interface (Windows-based)
  • Based on the Microsoft.Net Framework (included in the software package)
  • Commissioning wizard to facilitate adjustments to the controller configuration
  • Access to configuration parameters can be restricted (read only)

System requirements

PC or notebook

  • Windows XP with SP3
  • Windows Vista, SP2 or higher
  • Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit versions
  • USB or Bluetooth interface
  • Screen resolution 800 × 600


  • Licence is valid for one computer
  • Licence is linked to the hardware (licence key required)

Información técnica

  • Function
  • Specification text
  • Order code


The software displays values, parameters and functions on a graphical user interface (GUI). The software automatically recognises the controller type and displays the corresponding operating values and parameters

  • Display of actual operating values
  • Display of room operating values on the controller with room management function
  • Commissioning of individual controllers and room controllers (controllers with room management function), with commissioning wizard
  • Diagnosis for all controller connections
  • Graphical display of the most important operating values in a time diagram
  • Backup function to restore the factory or commissioning settings
  • Identification of programme users and hence documentation of configuration changes by user
  • Dialogue language: English or German
  • Unit of measure for volume flow rate: m³/h, l/s or cfm
  • Device configuration is saved in files and can be used to create a project database
  • Documentation of the controller configuration in a PDF protocol file with individual logo and letterhead data

It is possible to define different user groups with limited access to functions (defined by licence code). The software supports several levels of access rights.

  • Display of actual operating values and diagnosis data
  • Display and change of configuration data
  • Change of service interval
  • Backup function

Standard description (characteristics)

PC software for the configuration and diagnosis of fume cupboard controllers, supply air controllers, extract air controllers, and the EASYLAB adapter module.

The configuration programme is used to configure devices and the check their function. The software provides extensive functions for functional testing and fault diagnosis.

The software can be installed and runs on any personal computer or notebook with Microsoft Windows XP (SP3 or higher), Windows Vista or Windows 7.

Communication is via serial RS485 interface. It only requires that the supplied USB–RS485 interface adapter is connected to the personal computer or notebook. The required communication cable is part of the supply package. The cable can be connected to the EASYLAB fume cupboard or room control panel, or to the device which is to be configured.

Special characteristics

  • Display of actual operating values
  • Interactive navigation
  • Extensive diagnosis and diagram functions
  • Creation of configuration protocols and backup files
  • Selection of dialogue language and of unit of measure for the volume flow rate
  • Connecting cable and USB adapter are included in the supply package
  • Optional Bluetooth adapter module BlueCON for wireless communication
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