small_tab1_Serie SIF

Conforme à VDI 6022

small_tab1_Serie SIF


Fitting of filter elements for the separation of coarse and fine dust


Standard cell frame for pocket filters, Mini Pleat filter inserts, activated carbon filter inserts, Mini Pleat filter panels with plastic frames, filters, and cut-to-size filter pads. For installation into ventilation systems

  • Highly variable since parts of various sizes can be combined
  • Robust construction
  • Perfect compensation of tolerances due to perimeter groove in standard cell frame
  • Cell frames with a groove provide various tensioning options depending on the filter frame depth
  • Easy handling and secure sealing due to four special clamping elements and a foamed, closed-cell, silicone-free continuous seal
  • Meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022

Optional equipment and accessories

  • Stainless steel construction



  • Filter wall type SIF for ventilation systems
  • Fitting of filter elements for the separation of coarse and fine dust
  • Fitting of filter elements for the adsorption of gaseous odorous substances and contaminants
  • Filter wall for pocket filters, Mini Pleat filter inserts, activated carbon filter inserts, Mini Pleat filter panels with plastic frames



  • B: Frame with perimeter groove
  • Tensioning depth: 25 mm


  • GAL: Galvanised steel
  • STA: Stainless steel

Useful additions

  • Suitable filter elements to be ordered separately
  • Pocket filters made of non-woven chemical fibres (PFC)
  • Pocket filters made of non-woven synthetic fibres (PFS)
  • Pocket filters made of NanoWave® medium (PFN)
  • Pocket filters made of non-woven glass fibres (PFG)
  • Mini Pleat filter inserts (MFI)
  • Activated carbon filter inserts (ACFI)
  • Mini Pleat filter panels (MFP, construction PLA)

Construction features

  • Four clamping elements for secure sealing between the cell frame and the filter elements
  • Cell frame with perimeter groove

Materials and surfaces

  • Standard cell frames, installation subframes, and flat steel stiffeners made of galvanised sheet steel or stainless steel

Información técnica

  • Function
  • Specification text
  • Order code


Filter wall type SIF for installation into ventilation systems. Fitting of filter elements for the separation of coarse dust and fine dust and for the adsorption of gaseous odorous substances and contaminants.

Filter wall consisting of standard cell frames with perimeter groove as base element, installation subframes, and flat steel stiffeners.

Standard cell frame with perimeter groove for various filter frame depths.

Four spring clips for secure sealing between the cell frame and the filter element.

The installation subframe is inserted into the groove of the cell frame and bolted into place at the corners. The flat steel stiffeners provide static stability. The filter wall meets the hygiene requirements of VDI 6022.

Materials and surfaces

  • Standard cell frames, installation subframes, and flat steel stiffeners made of galvanised sheet steel or stainless steel


  • GAL: Galvanised steel
  • STA: Stainless steel
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